PoW Camp 1007 No14 AFV Depot

This former PoW Camp was located at RAF Burn and was also used to store maintain and despose of AFVs. The site is now used by a Civil Gliding Club


Burn Gliding Club, Burn, Selby, Yorkshire


Site Visits

May 2019


DSLR Photos
UK Foreign Office Inspection Report

I visited this site on route between my trip to Wales and Westcliffe Training Area and Eden Camp. In short this was a convenient stopping off point. However, the visit and the site turned up to be more than initially anticipated.

The former PoW Site was set up it is presumed following the German surrender and was in an accommodation area associated with the former RAF Burn. Immediately after the war it was used to store Armed Fighting Vehicles, presumably ones being returned from Europe. With an end to its use as an active war time build military airfield one of the accommodation areas was used as a PoW Camp.

The airfield is now used by a civilian gliding club and my visit occurred on a weekend with the site being active. One of the accommodation areas in the form of a Nissen Hut and support buildings as survived and there is evidence of various buildings, brickwork, and bases in the immediate area of the surviving hut, and between the Hut and Airfield along Burn Lane. In addition, to this the units water tower from its main accommodation site has also survived

The images shot show the gliding club, the surviving hut and structure. However, I have no independent evidence that verifies the site of the Nissen Hut and the Water tower as being the actual PoW site.

Camera Images of the site of former PoW Camp 1007 No14 AFV Depot

Extracts from UK Foreign Office Inspection Report from UK National Archives Kew:

FO 1120/183 PoW Camp List 20Feb47